
Showing posts from October, 2018

TASK 8 data analysis

 TASK 8 DATA ANALYSIS My first pie chart displays that most people like horror genre and that hardly anyone likes romance amongst the people I asked. This makes me want to create a magazine to associate with the genre horror.  My second pie chart displays that most people would want gnarly colour as a front cover to a film magazine and would captivate more people but title and other effects attracts them too, not just colour so I have to be familiar with that too.  My third pie chart displays that repeatedly romance is not really popular amidst the people that I asked and again horror is a big hit once again.  My fourth pie chart displays that most people watch movies nearly everyday or often as they are balanced in percentages and 20% of people that I asked dot often watch movies but what I can gather from this information is that more than half the people do watch movies often or nearly...

TASK 2 purpose of magazine

 TASK 2 Purpose of my magazine cover.  The purpose was to let people know horror movies aren't really that bad and can be quite interesting. It is my favourite genre and one of my favourite movies so thats why I chose IT and horror themed. I hope it does inspire some people. Horror was also the most liked genre so that's why I based it on a horror movie. 
 TASK 3  magazine cover


 TASK 9 QUESTIONNAIRE! 1.) What type of genres do you like? Horror   (_) Comedy ( _) Adventure (_)   Romance (_) Sci-fi (_) Thriller (_) Action (_) International (_) Other (_________) 2.) What attracts you on the front cover ? Title (_) Colour  (_)  Other (_________) 3.) What type of genres do you not like? Horror (_) Comedy (_) Adventure (_) Romance (_) Sci-fi (_) Thriller (_) Action (_) International (_) Other (_________) 4.) How often do you watch movies? Often (_) Not that often (_) Never (_) Nearly everyday (_) Other (__________) 5.) What do you like about the horror genre? Goriness (_) Special effects (_) Plot (_) Cast (_) Other (__________) 6.) Where do you normally watch movies?  Netflix (_) Online (_) Television (_) DVD (_) Amazon Prime (_) NowTV (_) Crackle (_) Apple TV (_) YouTube (_) Other (__________) 7.) How much would you buy a magazine for?...